How would you live your life differently?

Nadine Stair, an 85-year-old woman from Louisville, Kentucky, shares her answer when asked, "How would you have lived your life differently if you had a chance?"

"If I had my life to live over again, I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. I’d relax. I’d limber up. I’d be sillier than I’ve been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances, I would eat more ice cream and less beans.

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Marli Thibodeau
On Purpose

In this space between the solstices, I've also been leaning into the silence and on my long wanders with my camera, I'm learning about receiving images rather than taking them. It is both a subtle shift, and a major discovery. When I return home, I select an image to reflect upon to see what else is here for me to receive.

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Marli Thibodeau
Evidence of Desire, Proof of Creativity

Lost desires? Lackluster creativity? In this post, I share an easy 5 step process to reignite your desires and spark your creativity. When you’re tired of feeling like you’re ‘going through the motions’ you can easily begin to find your way back by connecting with your desire.

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Marli Thibodeau
Finding Ground

I’ve been asking myself lately what it means to be an artist. My attempt to answer this question has opened up an inquiry that more questions than answers…

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Marli Thibodeau
Spring Round up

Spring has arrived in the Northeast and we are alive with new energy here. After a long winter and an incredibly long year of pandemic stress, many of us are starting to feel a sense of renewal. Can you feel the energy rising?…

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Marli Thibodeau
Artist Lost: A Love Story

Once there was a girl who loved art, and dance and the outdoors. She loved the feeling of being wild and free. Soon she realized she would have to make her way in the world and that required that she be somebody…

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Marli Thibodeau